
jai jaikar

17 feb, bharata yatra 2008, kovai

all the time pujas led by amma is very powerful — puja led by god herself. wow!. when you think about it …. its a different feeling. and todays sani puja in covai was no exceptional. the bhajans amma sang were all very powerful fast ones. it was so powerful that in the gap of second and third song one of the devotees from the west stood up and called out ‘mata rani ki’ and the devotees responded ‘jai’. he repeated again and again. amma looked at him and smiled – ‘ mata rani ne kripa barsayi- mata rani showered her grace.’

after the 2nd next song amma sang mata rani. when amma called out “mata rani ki” the whole crowd joyously responded with “jai”. you could see many devotees including children, young and old dancing with the tune.