it was an inner call to visit kurushetra. recent gita class has been propelling my heart to be there at the battle field where sri krishna delivered the wisdom of gita to arjuna.
gita sthal: where sri krihsna supposed to have given the upadesh to arjuna. a vata vruksh is standing there, supposed to be very old
the surrounding areas are paddy fields. some buildings are also there around. imagine, 18 akshounihi armies were arrayed there. and krishna and arjuna standing in the middle of the battle field. the war was about to begin. when you visualise this you will hear the din and roar of that battle field, the bugles, cry of the horses and elephants. there sri krishna is telling arujna – … intelligent will not lament over the dead nor for the living. i could hear this. wow. feels so inspired and energised.
saraswati river was flowing through kurushetra. its about 48 kos, and many theerthas (sacred water bodies) in kurushetra. it is considered as a sacred place – dharma kshetra. thats why war was decided to be conducted here, being a dharmic place. the war was for dharma.
brahma sarovar.
its huuuuuuuuge. i walked along the banks, took half an hour to cover less than quarter of the sarovar. so it will take two hours at least to cover the whole sarovar.
this is where soldiers used to take bath every day after the war.

drupadi kund: this is where draupadi supposed to have washed her hair, after it was smeared with dussana’s blood.
pandava mandir: temple for pandavas
bhishma kund: where bhismha was lying in sarasayya, bed of arrows, arjun brought ganga to the son of ganga when he was thirsty.
sri krishna took pandavas to bhishma. seeing sri krihsna bheeshma started crying. arjuna asked krishna why he is crying, is it paining too much?. ‘you ask him’ said krishna.
bheeshma said ‘”in spite of sri krishna being with the side of pandavas, their sorrow has not subsided. i cant understand Krishna’s maya. thats why i cry”
lying on that bed of arrows for 41 days, before he left his body, he taught yudhisthira how to rule the kingdom, and vishnu sahara nam.
panorama: exhibition of mahabarata
the mahabharata war is painted on a circular wall, continuously, from day 1 to 18. there is an interesting painting – on 12 day skri krishna was hit by vaishnavastra, send by bhagadathha to kill arjuna, turned into vaijayanthi mala.
archeology dept have excavated jarasandha nagar, the kingdom of jarasandh in rajgir, bihar dist.
in kankali excavation a stone carving was found which dates back to 1st century – sri krihsna is being taken across yamuna. and a govardhanadhari krishna of 4th century.