it was in May of 1979 when I first visited Ayodhya. the temple of Lord Sri Ram was not there. it was just iron fencing surrounding the statue of Ram Lala, guarded by few police officers with guns.
the top of the statue was covered with just a torned blue tarpaulin, an image that is still vivid in my mind.

i remember standing there, feeling helpless and sad about our Sri Ram, as we were not allowed to go near the statue and had to be at a distance of 50 meters.
a few drops of tears rolled down my cheeks to the ground, as I sincerely prayed and wished to see the real temple of Sri Rama come up there. That was a long time ago… 41 years !!!

on two other occasions I tried to go, after 1992, but could not even enter that area because of tight security.
with a lot of tapas and sacrifice of so many good people, today is the stone laying ceremony for the foundation of Sri Rama temple in Ayodhya, the very birthplace of Sri Rama, who has inspired millions and millions of people, who influenced our culture, music, arts, tradition, lifestyle, family and everything else.
for me Rama means everything… the one who revels in the Self.
when we learn Sanskrit, we begin with रामः रामौ रामाः
even in the modern age Ram & Sita are relevant, because computers cannot work without RAM! and SITA – system integrated teaming assistant.

i am very happy and overjoyed to see that, at last, our land has recognised it’s master and decided to honour him. may he continue to inspire the coming generations to live the life of dharma.
Jai Sri Ram… finally !