20 feb, hyderabad, bharata yatra 2010 ” now let us meditate for some time. sit erect. close your eyes.” if our beloved amma says this what will you do? of course even if we cannot follow her instructions fully, we pretend that we are doing it. but here in hyderabad people were different. they were […]
Category: Amma
on/about Amma, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
opportunities to practice what is taught
12 feb 2010, talassery – bharata yatra whenever i travel, especially with amma, i am reminded of what amma said about yatra. she says that when the mind is on the ride, we are traveling. if not, then we are not, even if the body is moving. such a person’s mind is centered in the […]
take me, i will be there
3 jan 2010, amritapuri more than 1300 westerners were there in the ashram for celebrating christmas and the new year with amma. the festivities are over and it is time to go back and resume work. usually, they take amma’s darshan before they leave. today, one devotee from europe came for darshan. she tried to […]
i saw vaishno devi
21 sep 2009, amritapuri yesterday there was a padapuja by a lady and her mother who is in her 80s. they did the puja with great devotion. after the puja the lady talked to me. she introduced her mother. the old lady was planning to go to vaishno devi, the famous devi temple in jammu, […]
Anantabhava shalini

(This is an attempt to capture the various bhavas of Amma, who is beyond all bhavas during the few hours I was lucky enough to be with her. Read the original article in malayalam ) As Amma’s 35th birthday was only few days away, many devotees had started pouring into the ashram. It was 09:30 […]
i never knew kali is like this
22 mar, palakkad – bharata yatra 2009 after amma’s palakkad program, amma visited the house of a long-time devotee. the house was situated in a congested colony. we drove through a narrow gully, winding left and right. people were pouring out of their houses: many came out on their balconies, many lined up on one […]
kuchela of sriranga-pattinam
23 mar, bharata yatra 2009, sriranga pattinam, karnataka en route to bangalore from mysore, we stopped at sriranga-pattinam for lunch. it was sangama of kaveri river. its a beautiful place; the river flowing around the tip of the land, big banyan trees shading the banks, serene atmosphere of the temple, chanting of the mantras by […]
unforgettable celebration
17 mar, chavakkad – bharata yatra 2009 its always a surprise with amma. on the way to mananthavadi, amma stopped at the chavakkad amrita vidyalayam for lunch. the rest of the caravan was yet to come. imagine what happened there? the school was in session. it was the teachers who came out to amma first. […]
special cashew & kabadi with amma
8 march 2009, enroute tiruvalla to amritapuri it was special but not a surprise.on the way back from tiruvalla programme, amma visited an old house. it has not been painted for years, not modified for the last 30 years at least. situated on the side of the main road, this is one of the houses […]
amma did it, she did it here
18 feb, bharata yatra 2009, mangalore amma did it; she did it here in mangalore. ‘navu ega manas puja madona‘ amma said on the microphone. it was kannada language, asking every one to start manas puja now. and you know what people did? they started clapping. ‘elleu kannu muchikondu bennu nettagai madikondu kulithukolli” – all […]